Cold day in Texas [20 of 52]

Late last night it iced the roads and made the rooftops glittering white. I saw on the news that at least 52 people were in car accidents and I was glad I decided to stay indoors. I woke up early morning and expected the ice to be gone with a warm day ahead of me. As I looked out the window, I saw icicles dangling from gutters and sleek glittering ice covering leaves and patches of dull grass. A little piece of winter covered our hot city and today I could finally bundle up in layers of warm clothing. I started my afternoon with warm oatmeal, the warm oats filled my body with delight.

As my family left the house I went outside with Lacy. The little dog who was once so small has grown almost 4 times her size in only 6 weeks. Her eyes still gleam with excitement as soon at you walk in the room. Lacy wandered around the barren backyard. She searched for sticks to chew and as soon as she felt the chill on her back she chased me around waiting to go back indoors.

After warming my hands from the chill outside I headed back over to Xavier’s. He was playing a game and as soon as I saw him distracted I pulled out Animal Crossing. The game that has pushed away my boredom and left a satisfying effect of gathering fruits and fishing.

Once I left for the night I put on my snowflake pajamas and am curled up watching my favorite anime. Today was a relaxing day and I hope you all had a very nice one as well.


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